To our residents,
Last Tuesday night the new board had our first civic meeting of 2025. It was packed with information and had lively engagement. This is what the new board welcomes, active engagement from our residents.
In the spirit of transparency we will summarize board actions which were presented to those residents in attendance yesterday. As such last Tuesday, Jan 7th ,we had our first board meeting which resulted in several action items outlined below:
A. 58th Court Project is closed, final permits issued and final lien release expected mid February.
B. Signage – Within 2 weeks the current signs will be modernized. By first quarter the 64th Avenue wing wall will have new signage and by end of 2025 we hope to have Monument Signs installed courtesy of Tamarac. Sketches of these signs will be at the clubhouse for you to see.
C. Tree Trimming – The board approved the trees to be trimmed at the clubhouse including crowning of the three large olive trees. This will be completed this week.
D. Clubhouse hedges – as part of tree trimming, the clubhouse hedges will be cut back. They will be a little bare so be patient as they fill in. The corner of 58th st and 70th Ave will be beautified with the excessive growth removed. You will notice this over the next 10 days.
E. Engineer study – The board authorized a Engineer study to cover the pool, roof, and sprinkler Pumps. This report will give us a professional idea of useful life remaining of these three key systems. We hope to have these results to share at our February board meeting.
F. Reserves – After decades of free loans to banks we have put our reserve balance in FDIC insured CDs with TD bank. This will get the community some interest on their monies.
H. Events – The board approved the attached 2025 events calendar. Shelly Olshan is the event’s chair and does an excellent job making these a success. A new event will be Bunco every third Saturday
I. Committee volunteers – our committees need volunteers to help their vital community role. If you could volunteer please write
The board invites all residents’ participation, especially, the new residents.
We have our board meeting first Tuesday and civic the second Tuesday.
In summary if you have any comments or questions, please write and one of the board members will get back to you in 24 hours.
We hope to see greater participation in future meetings as more good things are announced.
Thank you,
Mainland’s 8 Board of Directors